Frequently Asked Questions

When and where is DTx West 2025 happening? (replace “where does the event take place”)

The 2025 edition of DTx West will be held from March 13-14, 2025, in San Diego, CA.

Who should attend DTx West?

The conference is ideal for a diverse audience of digital therapeutics professionals from pharma, biotech, and academia, offering a unique blend of practical insights, networking opportunities, and cutting-edge presentations.

What topics are covered in the DTx West agenda?

The conference covers a broad range of digital healthcare topics, including validated digital healthcare, CMS updates, FDA regulation, digital innovation and adoption, sham-controlled studies, and AI/generative learning in DTx.

What qualifies as group registration? (put this one under “what are the registration options” please)

Group registration applies when multiple participants from the same organization register together, usually starting with a minimum of 3-5 attendees. Purchase a full price registration, and additional participants from the same organization will receive a 20% discount.

How can I participate as a speaker, exhibitor or attend at DTx West?

Register here, submit a speaker proposal or sponsor/exhibit to explore the many ways to participate.

What is DTx West?

DTx West presents the digital therapeutics industry an opportunity to reconnect, reflect and ultimately continue to drive progress. Visit the About page for more information

What are the registration options?

Register for the standard in-person package for access to 2 days packed with presentations, panels and networking opportunities. Bring your whole team to take advantage of group rates. Visit the registration page, email, or call 781-972-5400 for more information. All sales are final. 

Where does the event take place?

Town and Country Resort
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
Discounted Room Rate Cut-Off Date: February 12, 2025 
View the Travel page

Who can I contact about this event?



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